Special D Events is taking the lead in producing sustainable meetings and events. Global warming aside, it just makes sense to reduce waste. It’s good for the world, and it can be good for your business. Now, that doesn’t mean if you hire us, you have to go green, but if you choose to do so, you’re in good hands.
For quick tips, download our complimentary “Twenty Tips for a Green Meeting”. For specific suggestions on how to make your meeting or event green, call us at 248-336-8600. Or, if you plan to go it alone, we suggest the following:
Step One
Do your homework. Learn more about the sustainability and get the latest tips, tools, and guidelines on how to create sustainable events by visiting websites such as the Environmental Protection Agency’s Green Meetings and Events Industry Council’s Sustainability Initiative. Then analyze your events to see where you can improve!
Consider your organization’s green strengths and weaknesses. What are your facilities or building management teams doing to encourage an environmentally friendly workplace? Are there programs you can carry over to your events?
Step Two
Set your priorities. You are not likely to go green overnight. What initiatives can you take that will be the least disruptive or controversial but will yield the highest payback? Start there.
Step Three
Gain management or sponsor support. Armed with your research and recommendations, sell your plan to management by emphasizing the benefits to your organization and clearing up any misconceptions. Be prepared to project the return on investment.
Step Four
Take action. Build your green initiatives into the event planning process and then execute them.
Step Five
Communicate. Event attendees may notice some of the changes you make, so be sure to share what your company is doing to help the environment. Chances are, they will support your efforts and walk away with a positive impression of your company.