Special D Events

Special D Events

Ten Terrific Tradeshow Tips


  1. Gather and bring “after hours” contact information for all your suppliers.
  2. Have a contingency budget. You never know when you may need last minute labor/supplies or need to replace items that were damaged in shipment.
  3. Bring a tool kit. Even when booth assets are labeled “no tools necessary”, you may need them anyway.
  4. Pack extra: if you think you need two, bring three (or four)
  5. Arrive early. Build in extra time for flights and ground transportation.
  6. Bring cell phone numbers for everyone: booth staff, show management, carriers, office assistants. They are invaluable.
  7. Always have a plan B for each aspect of the show.
  8. Hold pre-event meetings with booth staff to review expectations and confirm the overall schedule.
  9. Never leave your freight unattended at the end of the show. Stand by until the forklift drives it away to the carrier’s truck.
  10. 1Be kind and courteous to EVERYONE: you never know who will go above and beyond to help you, or who you will work with again.


~Bridgette Anderson

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