Special D Events

Special D Events

Taking Care of the Customer – Making Sure All Attendees Feel Welcome

First Time Attendees

  1. Host a pre-conference session to review what makes your meeting unique / best in the industry
  2. Design a welcome booth or mini-lounge for them near the entrance / registration
  3. Include a special thank you gift in their registration packet
  4. Organize an ambassador program with volunteers who have attended before
  5. Offer contests, prizes and discounts to encourage first-timer registration
  6. Include a special welcome reception and ensure you have plenty of staff on hand to answer questions
  7. Consider identifying first-timers on their name badge with a different color or ribbon

International Conferences

  1. Share several emails / blogs / articles in advance of the conference about what to expect upon arrival
  2. Make sure your signage as you enter the venue is sufficient and uses simple instructions for translation, or consider printing in more than one language
  3. Hire extra greeters during peak registration times to welcome guests, perhaps stage a few at the airport too
  4. Post a YouTube video with a welcome message on your website for those who can speak foreign languages easier than reading
  5. Ask local hosts or loyal conference followers to submit their suggestions for what to see, do and where to dine when at the meeting – a personalized recommendation is better than a list from your venue/CVB

This list is only a sampling of what might work for your individual conference or meeting. Leave a comment if you have other ideas to add to this list. After all, the customer is always right!

~Megan Higgins, CMP

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