Special D Events

Special D Events

Fifty Shades of Green: Special D Events’ #EarthDayEveryDay Standard

Earth day word cloud in shape of tree

As “green” enthusiasts, we are always excited for Earth Day each year. However, as part of our company’s People/Planet/Profit mission, our staff works to minimize negative impacts on the environment every day.

More and more of our clients and vendors are taking the environment into consideration in their events, but there is definitely varying degrees and levels of interest. Let’s call this the Fifty Shades of Green. As long time advocates of green meetings, Special D Events, has established environmentally-friendly practices encompassing almost every aspect of event planning. These practices are based on the Green Meeting Initiatives / U.S. EPA standards and the Green Meetings Industry Council.

Are you considering going green, or attempting a “darker shade” of green with your events? If so, you may find that your event costs may actually decrease, and you’ll benefit from the goodwill and positive press that will likely follow.

Special D Events can help. Here are just a few recommendations and resources to consider.

  1. Recycle floral, check out rebloom a service for using/donating flowers from events, venues, and florists.
  2. Select buffet style menus and donate leftovers to eliminate waste.
  3. Recycle event supplies.
  4. Utilize more technology to reduce paper waste pre and post event.
  5. If printing is necessary, check out plantable paper.
  6. Encourage recycling by communicating your venue’s recycling program and policies to your attendees.
  7. Choose a florist who designs with American-grown flowers.
  8. Collect and reuse items such as table numbers, signage and name badges.
  9. When shipping to tradeshows, the weight of your exhibit is less important than how it can be crated and shipped. Try to use materials that can fit on one pallet. Reducing the number of trucks will reduce the amount of pollution and carbon emissions.
  10. Partner with your venue from RFP to Post-event reporting. Develop an event waste audit and share the results with attendees to demonstrate your ROE (return on environment!)

Finally, if you are serious about reducing the environmental impact of your events, it’s important to spread the word. Make sure you always select venues and vendors that support green practices, while we will continue to do the same. Good luck and welcome to the sustainability movement. #EarthDayEveryDay

By Kayla Johns, Meeting Assistant

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